Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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CH 17:

CH 18:


J. K. Rowling BOOK 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets read by Stephen Fry.


All Harry Potter Audiobooks:


Harry Potter Audio Book 1 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 1 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 2 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 2 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 3 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 3 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 4 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 4 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 5 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 5 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 6 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 6 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 7 JIM DALE;     Harry Potter Audio Book 7 Stephen Fry

Harry Potter Audio Book 8

Harry Potter Audio Book 9

Harry Potter Audio Book 10

Harry Potter Audio Book 11



Next time this week! Control that owl, it will need to go! Harry attempted, yet again, to describe. She is bored, he explained. She is accustomed to flying around outside. If I could
Only let her out through the night – Can I look stupid? Snarled Uncle Vernon, a little fried egg dangling
Out of his bushy mustache. I know what will happen if that owl’s let
He exchanged dark looks along with his wife, Petunia.
Harry attempted to argue but his words were drowned with a long,
Loud belch in the Dursleys’ son, Dudley. I need more bacon. Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book. There is more in the skillet, sweetums, said Aunt Petunia, Turning misty eyes on her large son. We must build up you while
We have got the opportunity. I really don’t like the noise of the school food .
Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I had been at Smeltings, Dudley gets sufficient, do not you, son?
Dudley, that had been so big his butt drooped across either side of this
Kitchen seat, grinned and turned to Harry. Pass the skillet. You have forgotten the magic phrase, said Harry irritably. The consequence of the sentence on the rest of the household was. Amazing: Dudley gasped and dropped off his seat with a crash which
Shook the Entire kitchen Mrs. Dursley gave a little scream and
Clapped her hands to her mouth Mr. Dursley jumped to his feet. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book Read by Stephen Fry.
I supposed ‘please’! Within the dining table, ABOUT SAYING THE ‘M’ WORD IN OUR
Watching Harry closely from the corners of the small, glowing eyes.
Vernon was treating him like a bomb Which May go off in any
Second, since Harry Potter was not a regular boy. As an issue of
Reality he had been not ordinary since it’s likely to be.
Harry Potter was a magician – a magician fresh from his first year in And when the Dursleys
Were miserable to get him back for the holidays, it was nothing to how
He missed Hogwarts so much it was just like using a continuous He also missed the castle, using its secret passageways and Ghosts, his courses (though not Snape, the Potions master), the Email arriving by owl, eating banquets at the Great Hall, sleeping in his
Four-poster bed at the tower dormitory, Going to the gamekeeper, Hagrid, in his cottage near the Forbidden Forest from the grounds, also, Notably, Quidditch, the hottest game in the wizarding world (six tall target poles, four flying balls, and two players on All of Harry’s spellbooks, his wand, robes, cauldron, and top notch Nimbus Two Thousand broomstick were locked in a cabinet Beneath the staircase by Uncle Vernon the second Harry had arrived home.
What did the Dursleys care when Harry dropped his location on the Home
Quidditch team since he had not practiced all summer? Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book. What was it Into the Dursleys when Harry went back into college without any of the Assignments done? The Dursleys were exactly what wizards known as Muggles as much as they were concerned, using a magician in the household was. A subject of deepest pity. Uncle Vernon had padlocked. Harry’s owl, Hedwig, within her cage, to prevent her from carrying Uncle Vernon was. Big and neckless, using a huge black mustache. Was horse-faced and rectal; Dudley was blonde, pink, and porky. On the other hand, was slender and small, with vibrant green eyes. Jet-black hair which was always untidy. He wore glasses, also on his brow was a thin, lightning-shaped scar. Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book Free Downad.
It was this scar which made Harry so especially unusual, even for a This scar was the sole sign of Harry’s very mysterious ago. Why he’d been abandoned the Dursleys’ doorstep twenty five years. In Age one year old, Harry had survived a curse from
The Best Dark sorcerer of all time, Lord Voldemort, whose title.
Most witches and wizards still dreaded to talk. Harry’s parents needed
Expired in Voldemort’s attack, but Harry had escaped along with his lightning
Scar, and – nobody knew why Voldemort’s powers needed
Been ruined the minute he’d failed to kill Harry.
So Harry was brought up with his deceased mum’s sister and her He’d spent ten years with the Dursleys, not Knowing why he kept creating strange things occur without significance. Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book by J. K. Rowling.
To, presuming the Dursleys’ narrative He had obtained his scar in the Auto
And, just a year ago, Hogwarts had written to Harry,
And the entire story had come out. Harry had taken up his position
Magician school, in which he and his scar were renowned but today the
College year was finished, and he was back with the Dursleys for its
Summertime back to being treated like a puppy that had wrapped in something
The Dursleys had not even remembered that now happened to be Obviously, his hopes had not been high; they had. Never given him an actual gift, let alone a cake – but to dismiss it Entirely.
At the instant, Uncle Vernon cleared his throat importantly and stated,
Today, as most of us know, now is a really important moment.
Harry appeared, barely daring to believe it. This may be the day that I create the biggest deal of my career. Download Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Stephen Fry Audiobook Free.

Harry went back into his own toast. Obviously, he thought, Un
Cle Vernon was speaking about the dumb dinner celebration. He had been talk
Ing of nothing else for 2 weeks. Some wealthy builder and his spouse
Were coming to dinner and Uncle Vernon was expecting to get a big
Purchase out of him (Uncle Vernon’s firm made exercises).
I believe we ought to run through the program yet another time, stated Petunia,
You’ll be.
From the couch, said Aunt Petunia immediately, waiting to welcome them
Graciously into our property.
Great, great. And Dudley?
I will be waiting to open the doorway. Dudley wear a filthy, simpering
Grin. They will love him! Outstanding, Dudley, said Uncle Vernon. He then rounded on Harry. And you also?
I will be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I am not
There, stated Harry tonelessly. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book.
Sofa, present you, Petunia, and pour thembeverages. In eightfifteen

I will be in my area, making no noise and pretending I am not there, We ought to aim to get in a few good praise at Petunia, any thoughts?
Vernon tells me you are a superb golfer, Mr. Mason. Do tell me
In which you purchased your dress, Mrs. Mason,
Perfect. Dudley? Aunt Petunia.
Table that they would not find him laughing.
And boy? I will be in my area, making no noise and pretending I am not there,
He explained. Too right you may, said Uncle Vernon forcefully. The Ma
Sons do not understand anything about you personally and it is likely to remain like that.
When dinner’s over, you just take Mrs. Mason back into the couch for
Java, Petunia, and I will bring the subject around to drills. With any
Fortune, and I will have the deal signed and sealed prior to the news.
Be searching for a holiday home in Majorca that time to
Harry could not feel overly excited about it. He did not believe the
Dursleys wants him better in Majorca than they ever did
Right – I’m off to town to pick up the dinner coats for
Dudley along with me personally. Stephen Fry Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audiobook. And also youpersonally, he snarled at Harry. You remain from. Your kid’s manner while she is cleaning. Harry left through the rear door. He crossed the yard, slumped down on the garden seat, and sang.
Beneath his breath: Happy birthday to me happy birthday for me.
No cards, no gifts, and he’d be spending the day
Pretending to not exist. He gazed miserably to the hedge. He’d
Never felt lonely. More than anything else in Hogwarts, more They, however, did not Appear to be
Missing him whatsoever. Neither of these had written to him,
though Ron had stated he was planning to ask Harry to come and
Remain. Countless times, Harry was on the verge of unlocking
Hedwig’s cage with magical and sending her to Ron and Hermione
Using a letter, however, it was not worth the danger. Underage wizards were not
Permitted to use magic outside of the school. Harry had not told the
Dursleys this; he understood it was just their terror He could turn them
into dung beetles that stopped them from locking him the
Cupboard under the staircase with his pockets and broomstick. For your very first
Few months ago, Harry had appreciated muttering nonsense words
Beneath his breath and watching Dudley tearing from the room as quickly
Because his fat legs will take him. Nevertheless, the extended silence from Ron and
Hermione had made Harry feel cut off from the magic universe that
Even taunting Dudley had lost its allure – and now Ron and Hermione
Had abandoned his birthday. Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book Download. What would not he give now to get a message out of Hogwarts? From any
Witch or magician? He would almost be thankful of a sight of his archenemy,
Draco Malfoy, simply to make sure it had not been a fantasy.
Not that his entire year at Hogwarts was fun. In the conclusion of
Final word, Harry had come face-to-face with none Aside from Lord Voldemort could be a ruin of the former self, but
That he was terrifying, nevertheless adorable, nevertheless determined to recover power.
Harry had slipped through Voldemort’s clutches for Another period, but
It was a narrow escape, and even now, weeks later, Harry maintained
Voldemort was today, recalling his livid face, his broad, mad eyes He’d been
Staring absent-mindedly to the Dollar – and the hedge was staring back.
Two huge green eyes had emerged among the leaves.
Harry jumped to his feet only as a jeering voice drifted throughout the yard.
I know what day it’s, sang Dudley, waddling toward him.
The tremendous eyes blinked and disappeared. Said Harry, not taking his eyes away from the place where they’d.
I know what day it’s, Dudley replicated, coming up. Properly done, said Harry. So you have finally learned the times of this
Now’s your birthday, sneered Dudley. How come you have not got
Some cards? Perhaps you have got buddies at the freak place?
Better not let your mom hear you talking in my college, said
Dudley hitched up his pants, which have been slipping down his fat
Underside. Stephen Fry Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book Streaming Online. Are you currently looking in the Dollar? He said.
I’m trying to determine what would be the best spell to place it on
Fire, ” said Harry.
Dudley stumbled backward at the same time, a look of dread on his face.
You c-can’t – Dad told you you’re not to perform m-magic – he said he will
Throw you out of this home – and you have not got anywhere else to move –
You have not got any friends to take you. Staged magical, but he needed to duck because she aimed a heavy blow in his. Head together with the soapy skillet. Then she gave him perform, with
The guarantee he would not eat again until he had finished. Knew he should not have climbed to Dudley’s lure, but Dudley had stated
The first thing Harry was believing himself he did not have
Wish that they can see renowned Harry Potter today, he thought savagely as he
His face down. Stephen Fry – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Book.